
You Are More Than What You See is a children’s book that addresses some of the insecurities that children face daily and shows the children how their future can turn out. The book shows the reader that our differences are what makes us great and that self-love will help the reader shine bright.
In Her Shoes is a children's book that focuses on the mother and daughter relationship and the bond that they develop over time. The book shows the reader that children learn by watching and it reminds parents that their actions are being studied by their kids.

Someone Is Watching You is a children's book that focuses on the father and son relationship and the bond that they develop over time. The book shows the reader that children learn by watching and it reminds parents that their actions are being studied by their kids.

Dancing in the Rain is a children's book that shows the reader that there are rainy days but the rain will not last forever. The rain will go away, the sun will come back out, and there will be a benefit after you make it through the rain. If you can dance in the rain, then you will be able to dance through anything.